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June 2023 Updates

Esta versión del Portal de Negocios de Ventanilla Única de DC contendrá las siguientes características:

Business Dashboard Updates

The business dashboard was updated to better organize the information on the dashboard. In addition to the redesign the following updates were made:

  • The Corporate Registration section is expanded to include the registration date and entity status where the business owner can track the status of their corporate registration
  • A section has been added to include the business's trade name(s) where the business owner can track the status of their trade name(s)
  • A section has been added for all business licenses the business has and allows for multiple business licenses to be included
  • A section has been added for any permits the business has and allows for multiple permits to be included

Street Vending Business License Application Updates

Updates have been made to the street vending business license application process to better the communication between DLCP and the business owner of the status of the application.